
Rosh Hashanah Sermon on Presence/Hineni featuring Harry Chapin, Joni Mitchell, V (Eve Ensler), Puzzle Pieces, and the Akeidah.

Shanah Tovah! Here is my Rosh HaShanah sermon at Temple Israel of Minneapolis, in which we learn about mortality from moose, about prayer from sandwiches, and about tzedakkah from honeybees.

Lech lecha! Go Forth! It's the most famous Jewish call to adventure. But why? Why leave what's familiar? ~~~ I offer some answers to this question in my senior sermon, originally delivered in October 2017. Seeking discomfort is one of the most powerful ways we can grow.

Without a vision of where we are going, our means are meaningless. ~~~ In the Rosh Hashanah 1st morning's reading, Hagar gets lost in the desert, runs out of water, and fears her son Ishmael will die. She cries out to God for water.